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  1. #1
    Join Date
    13th October 15
    Safford, Arizona
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    If you're gonna dress in tartan, and run a kilt shop, learn a wee bit about it......

    Attended the AZ Rennaisance Festival, last weekend. I actually drive a school bus, part time. I drove kids in a High School acting class, drama club, their teacher, and my wife, in a big yellow bus. (I did not kilt up, this time). While walking around, my wife and I entered a shop which sold Scottish-style things; i.e, tartan cloths, bonnets, kilt accessories, etc. (Overpriced things which can be found way cheaper, on Ebay). This kilted shop keeper was showing a young couple some tartans. The young man was leaning toward a tartan, which was mostly green. I walked up, and told the young man that the one he chose looks a lot like the one worn by Sean Connery, in a photo I recently saw. The shop keeper turned to me, and told me that Sean Connery was Welsh. I answered back that no he is not, he was born and raised in the Edinburgh area. He said, "Well, he may be from Edinburgh, but he is definitely Welsh." I proceeded to tell him that when I lived in Scotland, that I met a widow woman, who was a good friend of Sean Connery. Her late husband had been his business partner and friend. (I had noticed some photos on her mantle, with Sir Sean in them). I could see by the look on the shopkeeper's face, that he wanted me gone. So, I wished the couple a nice day, and exited that little, overpriced shop. Note to potential Scottish tartan shopkeepers, at a Renaissance Festival: learn more about the subject that you are trying to promote.

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