i will try and keep it short. i have my brothers wedding in september and i was planning on wearing a kilt. i was originally going to borrow a friends kilt but that was before i had a understanding of the whole clan tartan system. now i would really like to wear my family tartan. my grandfather was a Sutherland born in Scotland and the first of his family to move to canada he was also a sergeant in the gordan hylanders . i dont have the budget for a 300 to 500$ kilt so i have been looking for a pv in the sutherland tartan with no luck. all i can find is the Sutherland tartan in acrylic at highland kilts. i did contact usa kilts and they said the sutherland tartan is not available in pv. after reading tons of post here i dont want acrylic. does anyone know of a place that has what i am looking for?