I wear kilts to work a lot. Its no big deal. For some reason today it was again.
A young male therapist started in with, "I should have a mirror taped to my shoe so I could check what you have under your kilt." I responded by spreading my legs to make it easier for him to stick his unmirrored shoe under my kilt.
Then I asked him why he didn't do the same thing to the skirted lesbian therapist or the skirted lady manager? He babbled...then the skirted lesbian came by and I told her I had an ethical question.
If a person came up to her and said they should tape a mirror to their shoe to be able to look up her skirt would it matter what sex that person was in determining her decision to report them for sexual harrassment? ;)
Now the guy's face is flushed...but instead of answering my question she pauses and says, "Is it easier for you to go to the bathroom in a kilt?"
Then she says its easier for her to go to the bathroom in a skirt and that she wondered if it held for guys in a kilt.
Never did get an answer to the first question....
I just told her yes, it was easier kilted, especially when hiking.
But dang...its the first time anyone ever asked me if it was easier to go to the bathroom kilted.....!! :o