I am working towards being kilted as often as possible. I am still unsure about the whole work thing, but I am sure I will get there. I would however like to be kilted every second outside of work ASAP. I only have two kilts, and feel I need at least one or two more before it will be easy for me to do this. Luckily Christmas and my birthday are right around the corner.

Anyway my question is this I play hockey once to twice a week in the winter and once a week during the summer, I would like to wear a kilt to hockey that can be washed (in a machine) two to three times a week, I have no problems hanging it to dry as long as it doesn't take more than a day or so to dry. Even better if they are inexpensive enough for me to get two all the better. For those who haven't been in a hockey locker room, they smell pretty bad, as do I after playing so the material should be one that doesn't absorb odors to easily.

I have hand sewn double wedding ring quilts so I am not opposed to making one on my own if this is the best answer, if there are material recommendations that would be cool as well.

Since I only have two kilts right now, I won't wear either while doing things that I could get them messed up. Grilling in them scares me, but they are so comfortable, I deal with it. I also have been hand washing my USAKilt and my SWK, and hanging them, I know I can machine wash them both, but I guess I worry about them so I prefer to do them by hand.

Thank you all in advance,
