Here's my man Stan...I've been listening to and identifying with this since I was a we'an...

There's a link to a transcript of the bit and I urge you to read it. If you are lucky, like me, you have a copy of "Stan Freeburg and th4 Original Cast" on LP or one of your local radio stations will slip it in around the holiday.

I understand that WFMT's Midnight Special radio proramme is syndicated to a lot of markets in the US and can be streamed from their website. The host, Rich Warren, usually does two holiday shows: the first is the lighter side of the holidays and the second is the more serious (sometimes it's bloody morose!) tunes and recitations of the season. "Green Christmas" invariably pops up on the "funny" show, often it's the first thing that he plays. If you can find time to listen to it, you will, I promise, be richly rewarded...our UK members may remember an audio sketch called "...and yet another pear tree", which is the funniest parody of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" in just goes on and on. Check it out if you are able. WFMT's info is here:
