I have been thinking about ordering a new kilt soon. I had been leaning towards a 4-5 yard casual from some 14oz wool that I already have, but lately I have been leaning more towards just getting the MacKenzie Weathered I have always wanted. During a recent discussion with another member of the forum, the topic of 5 yard or casual kilts came up. Do 5 yard kilts look odd on bigger guys? Now I am not talking about a 4 yard PV kilt as I have had a few of those an know what those look like. I am sure the Sport kilts, or Utilikilts, etc are good kilts, but I am talking about the 5 yard knife pleat wool tartan kilts in 13oz or 16oz wool, or the box pleated 4 yard kilts.

Anyone have any experience with these and some pics? It would be most helpful