As I mentioned in another post, my daughter is getting married in the May/June timeframe. Her fiance is a police officer in Clive, IA. One of the things that she has been toying with is a celtic wedding. Yesterday, after reading the thread Norbydog started on the LEO tartan idea, I sent her an email mentioning and showing the two Iowa tartans along with the International Police Association tartan.

So, this evening she sends back:
Ok, Doug thinks the police tartan is sooooooooo cool. Here's an idea- He gets a kilt made in the police tartan and I get a Livingston skirt, white top and a police tartan sash. any ideas on how or where we can get this done??

Now for the questions:
1. Is is possible to get the IPA tartan for him?
2. I'm not so sure about the Livingston skirt and IPA sash going together either.
3. If it is possible to get the IPA, how long of a lead time would we need and an idea for the cost of the tartan?

I know that a more "standard" tartan would be much quicker but it is my daughters wedding we're talking about

Thanks for any assistance.

Greg-----proud father of the bride