...some thing annoy me a bit.

1) Shamrock beads, plastic green hats, and "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" pins.
Seriously, if I wanted Mardi Gras, I'd move to New Orleans. Keep the cheap Chinese sweat-shop crap away from my holiday.

2) Green beer.
Just because you dyed your Budweiser green does not make it Irish. God obviously wanted beer to be black. How else do you explain Guinness?

3) Fake Irish accents.
Irish people do not talk like the Lucky Charms leprechaun. You just sound like a retarded Australian.

4) Pinching people who don't wear green.
Do you pinch Jewish people on Christmas? Didn't think so. Stop it.

5) Green hair spray.
You're taking the green thing a bit far, now. If you really wanted to look Irish, I'd recommend a nice, natural red or brown.

Avoid these things, and we can all enjoy St. Patrick's Day together. No need for corney, stupid materialistic crap. Just celebrate your heritage, drink a few pints, and enjoy the greatest holiday on Earth!