It is hitting around 90 here lately.

I have noticed that we have a lot of new members over the winter months, and since these questions always come up, I did a pre-emptive strike and made a post where all of us long time kilt wearers can pass on pearls of wisdom to the new folks.

How do you deal with summer? How does one keep cool? How do you deal with chaffing and heat rash? How do you survive blistering heat. You know, all those questions.

I'll start this off with: Know the location to every air conditioning vent around you. Especially the ones on the floor. (But beware of the strong ones!) A little loitering over a vent is not only refreshing and cool, but dries everything off down there, dries your kilt, keeps it from sticking to your legs, and makes the fabric of your kilt feel cool for a short while as you walk. (Hopefully to the next vent)

And in the event that somebody ask The Question while you are over the vent, just reply, "A cool breeze." If looks of jealousy could kill, I'd be dead now.