First a little info or some of this won’t make since. For my fun job I am the dishwasher at a cooking school. We do not give diplomas. Ordinary folks come in for 1-day classes. I have been there longer than anyone and am a fairly well accomplished homechef so it is not unusual for others come to me when there are problems.
Last night one of the recipes for the class was chocolate trufflesEasy enough. The instructor’s assistant comes back to my galley with a very serious look on her face and says “I don’t know want to do.” She said the instructor (an intimidating male,
the women are afraid to cross him) had put 2 cloves of garlic along with the split vanilla bean into the hot milk that would steep & be used to melt the chocolate. I went out & looked for myself. It was true! I tried to catch chef’s attention for a private conversation but he is talking a mile a minute. I go back to my galley to think. I look at the recipe. It says says clearly 2 cloves not 2 cloves of garlic.
I told the assistant the only way to correct this is to be obvious about it. If we do that he’ll blow up and that’ll reflect on the entire school. It we let it go, it’s on him.
It keeps bothering me so a little later I called the head instructor at home. He tells me to remake the grenache behind the scenes and sub mine for the one with the infused garlic. “No way, chef. No time. It’s almost done chillin’ & they’re supposed to pipe them out in thirty minutes.” “Then you have no choice but to let it go.,” he says. “You did your job.”
Did I handle it correctly? Should I have done something else.