Quote Originally Posted by Quaich Maker View Post
cajunscot ,
you miss the point of the article .
And that point is , that the Black Watch tartan , is a Grant tartan .
No, I didn't miss your point. In fact, I posted the same link to that article on the US Clan Grant Society's web site several pages back in this thread.

I am quite aware that the Government Sett is also the Hunting tartan of the Clan Grant. If you'll notice, I did say that I would not begrudge the Clan Grant for wearing the Government Sett, especially since my own clan, the Cummings, and the Grants have had a "special relationship" (good and bad) over the years -- a Cumming even served as the Grant Chief's piper, as depicted in the famous painting.

Again, I am certainly not saying the Grants are wrong in wearing Government Sett as their hunting tartan -- far from it. My main purpose was replying to John's little jibe about me "shooting" him over his wearing of the Government Sett. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

