So my little sister sent me some information she'd dug up with her genealogy research on a branch of our maternal line. I confess to hooking her on the genealogy addiction a few years ago. She's a college professor by trade and a much better researcher than I.

Anyhow, her info confirmed a suspicion I'd had for some time and validated that branch: adding ten people to the family tree.

Turns out I have a five great grandfather named Charles Copeland that was born somewhere in Scotland about 1736...guessing from the names search thingie he was a lowlander. He came over to Nova Scotia around 1750. But we're a tad shy of Copeland tartans.

But Charles had a son, Charles Copeland Jr., who was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1757. He married a lady who's great grandmother was an Anderson. So, I have a six great grandmother of the Anderson clan.

Another tartan to put on the kilt list...but boy, are there ever a LOT of variations of the Anderson tartan.

So, I know there be other Andersons out can now count me as a very distant cousin. Or, maybe I'm my own cousin yet again. Didn't the Andersons run with the Macdonalds?
