After jmercier and Panache showed off their sgian like knife building skills I thought I'd share this. In reality it could be a sgian.

An Army friend of mine gave me a complete six point deer mount and an eight point shed for future sgian projects. He expressed interest in getting a knife and I offered him a choice of some blades I had lying around. He chose this one even though he could have gotten a sgian (it's deer season). I decided on moose scales, plain brass pins, no liners, and a decent finished size. He's got some big hands so I used a good size chunk of moose antler.

The finished knife is 6.25", blade is 3.5"

Here are the basic components. One old unknown blade with a great edge. Some bullwinkle and a couple of pins.

Rough shaped with pins holding it all together. I taped the heck out of the blade because it was already very sharp. I have a piece of kevlar tape I put under the masking tape.

Checking the fit to my hand. The new owner has even bigger mits.

A finished useable knife.

Finally, I made a heat molded plastic sheath that can accomodate a 2 inch belt. The finger hole holds it perfectly.

The final finish is just 1000 grit then some grey rouge on a wheel. A spot of hand rubbed beeswax and buff.