Hi all.
Here is the making of my first x-Kilt.

You could see the masking tape use. And the my own mods.

Thanks Alan and Tartan Hikers for your instructions.

Some heavy maths and complicated Diagrams are a must for make an X-Kilt (Just Kiding)

A lot of space is important too.

Folding, folding, folding, folding.

Ironing, ironing, ironing, ironing.

How I use the masking tape? Now you can see.

Happy and proud! Well, proud to wear it in this "Macho Land" (Maybe Im the first Kilted man here in Honduras) But not much proud of my Ironing skills.

A couple of buckles "ala traditional", NCSHS® (No Chain Sporran Hanger System). Actually is not an Sporran, is a "lady bag" with the strap tied and rolled inside. It work for now.

Thats it. Now i want to hear some feedback. Critics and greetings. LOL
