We had a blast at the NTIF in Dallas Sunday. We didn't get a lot of photos, unfortunately. It was Christopher's first outing in the kilt and he's still acquiring some things. He was originally going to dress very casually, but he decided he wanted to dress a little nicer. It was very windy, and his Stillwater kilt (standard) did a decent job of staying down, but I ended up keeping an eye on him and stopping the kilt from flipping up a few times. We knew there were supposed to be thunderstorms blowing through, so we brought a big umbrella. He also used that to keep his kilt down, holding it behind him just so.

We got to meet Ronusan and RowdyRed. I got a photo of Christopher and Ron together, but I totally forgot to get a photo with Rowdy. I was too busy chatting with her and forgot! D'oh! Oh well, I'll have to get one next time

We saw a lot of kilts (tartan kilts as well as Utilikilts and similar styles). Quite a few amusing comments and looks. People were REALLY watching when we were outside, and one woman came up to us later and admitted she thought she was going to get a glimpse of what was under the kilt until I put my hand in the way and knocked the kilt back down. A greyhound stuck its head underneath Christopher's kilt until its owner said "oh no! Not another kilt!" and pulled it away.

Here are a couple of photos:

Christo13 and Ronusan

Bagpipe band

Photo of Christopher with the wind blowing his kilt a little

I forgot to get photos of me. I was having too much fun taking photos of other folks. We did get some other photos, but they didn't involve kilts. I might include a link to another gallery later, but thought these would be a good start.

It was fun getting Christopher out in his kilt, finally. He loved it and looks forward to someday having an even nicer kilt. He almost bought a sgian dubh, and had a blast looking at accessories (and drooling over nicer kilt hose -- none in his size, of course). I'm jealous ;) I can't wait to someday get some sashes and kilted skirts!

If anyone else has photos, feel free to post them here!