I am finally getting my very own Tewksbury kilt made in the New Hampshire State tartanand I would like some opinions on pleating. I got some extra material to drool over while my kilt is being made so I tossed a few pleating options together trying to figure out which ones I like. I'm a bit torn between the white stripe and the sett while my daughter likes the red stripe best, and my mother likes the sett. Out of curiousity I would like to know what the rabble thinks about each style so I took pictures. I have no idea whether any of these are possible or not due to obscure mathematical equations and solar alignment and whatever other factors effect pleating but it seems to me these are the options:
Here is the sett:
Pleated to the white stripe:
Pleated to the red stripe:
Pleated to no stripe in the green:
Pleated to no stripe in the blue:
What are your opinions?