This is my first year where I can wear a kilt to a festival but am not sure how to go about it.

The only kilt that I have I bought as a "never picked up order". I am not even sure what the tartan is although I have not searched deeply.

My question would be do I wear the kilt I know little about but am proud to wear or do I get myself a sportskilt in a tartan I know? It would seem a shame to wear a kilt to a festival where someone else might have better knowledge. If anyone were to ask me anything other than "How much did that cost?" I couldn't say anything other than "yes, it IS a nice green, isn't it!"

So, should I go for it? Or should I get myself a nice clergy or airforce tartan that I am "qualified" to wear and go with that?

My family name on my grandmothers side is MacCracken (midwest kansas missouri arkansas scots) and most searches lead me back to the Maclean's and once in a while to the MacNaughtons. After having read some of the entries here I am leaning towards MacNaughton. I know so very little about my geneology and what with being a Smith on my fathers side I think the term "mudblood" fits better than anything!

Whatever I do my very last option is to wear some decent shorts and see if they have another kilt I can get while at the fest. Then I can answer with complete honesty...

"I got it from that booth over there!"
