X Marks the Scot - An on-line community of kilt wearers.
10th June 08, 08:02 PM
"Great Scot" Kilts
Has anybody ever ordered from these folks? Great Scot
I was thinking of getting a 13oz from them. They have a payment plan with no interest, making it really easy to get into a heavy hand-made kilt. However, I have no idea of their quality, or what material they actually use (maybe I'm just not seeing things I should be - I am pretty new to all this.)
They claim they are "Importers of the Finest Scottish Goods," and also that the prices include all duties and shipping from Scotland (making it seem as if they are hand-made in Scotland.)
The 13oz. they call a "Men's Braeriach Fabric" and somewhere else call it 13oz. twill. I want to make sure this is actually wool, and high quality stuff, like a the good "tanks" you guys mention all the time. ~525$
The 16oz. they call a "Men's Strome Fabric" which I've seen as being a high quality wool. ~575-625$ per their website.
Please help clear any of this up and tell me what you think of their work. The prices seem fairly reasonable if these are indeed Scottish made "Tanks" - as far as I can tell anyway (please let me know if I'm wrong..)
Thanks a lot!
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