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Okay, so I have 2 kilts now and have worn them around the house, on a road trip and to walk the dog in the wee hours of the morning,...yesterday, I decided to wear my new sport kilt over to the local park while walking the dog,..I became very self-conscious, which surprised,..I found myself avoiding folks and waiting for some sort of slur to be thrown my way,...I was surprised, but can't imagine I'm the only one who has experienced this. How do other folks deal with this anxiety/sense of sticking out etc?
Nothing adverse happened to me, but I was glad to get home
The first time I wore a kilt oot and aboot.. Aye I was nervous.
I recieved so many thumbs up, "Oh hell yeah", and nods of appreciation that I understood one thing.
Walk in a kilt like you were meant to wear it.
Nothing more. That is the "secret".
I'm 50 years old... I really don't give a rat's *** what other people think.
The confidence of the wearer is one of the attractive parts of the kilt.
Commissioner of Clan Strachan, Central United States.