I have attempted a sporran, being strapped for cash and not wanting to "fork" out 140 bucks (you will see the pun later on), and having some spare leather and elastic at home, I took on the task of making myself a casual black leather sporran, to wear with my x kilt and good dress Cunningham Tartan Kilt.

Basically, i traced around the shape of my semi formal sporran, cut it out, drilled holes in the leather, and then yes, hand sewed the 3 pieces together,

Took a basic clan crest from the net, printed it, pushed hard whilst drawing over the lines, then used a very shape knife, cut into those lines, then pushed enamel paint into those cuts (like a tattoo i suppose) and cleaned away excess and was left with this result.
Attached chains (not shown)

I have a question, what would look best to hold the top over the sporran shut, a wooden toggle or dome button?

Any suggestions appreciated, here is the sporran pre final clean.