As some of you know, I play some miniature gaming such as Warhammer and Warmachine. While at the game store last night I was floored by a new box of minis that came out.

A group of guys were hovering around the counter near the register oooing and ahhhing over a newly released box. One of my friends waved me over saying, "you have got to check this out. Its Celts!" Excited I hurried over and picked up one of the boxes... My jaw dropped at least three inches.

On the box, by a company called Warlords, was an artists illustration of how the army could be painted. I was expecting a kilted army, instead *cringes* the minis were depicted wearing both kilts and pants, at the same time; most of them in two different plaids with a third plaid design on their capes. It was like a clash of the tartans.

Everyone else seemed very impressed with the set and couldn't understand why I was so turned off by it.

This is a pic of the box front. (more pics on the back)

I may pick up a box just to try and paint a good army. I know kilts are not period, but neither is that depiction.

What's your two cents worth?