Quote Originally Posted by Alaskan Kilted Guy View Post
My feelings on this topic are not as positive as some of the other replies I've seen. I am a former Corrections Officer, and am still friends with many cops and co's. If you'd like my input, drop me a PM.
I am CURRENTLY a Corrections Officer (over 10 years and SRT member) and have an idea where you are coming from. I'll not dive into anything deeper about it, other than to say that we do the exact same job as a Police Officer but are confined to a building. Now, we don't have bullets whizzing by our heads but we have shanks/shivvs, bludgeoning instruments, suicidal hangings, throat/wrist slicers, jumpers (off elevated tiers) and the like. Screaming kids and crying families because the inmates are locked away from them.

They don't hate us, they hate what we stand for...the uniform and badge. It takes a thick skin to do what we [all] do and the most difficult part is not taking anything personally.

Quote Originally Posted by Streetcar View Post
You posted quite a bit about why you don't like your current situation, but you don't say much about your reasons for looking towards law enforcement. Why the Police Department? Why not the Fire Department? Is it the "security" of a government job? Is it to help people? Fight crime? The "excitement" of police work?

The fact is it's not like T.V. To paraphrase Casey, the job is long periods of boredom, punctuated by terror, followed by endless paperwork.

The most sucessful officers I've known are the ones who feel a calling towards the profession - the ones who would want to be a police officer even if it paid less. They are not starry-eyed idealists, they know that they are not ending crime and they people they help will likely curse them for doing it. But they don't care. It is a satisfaction that comes from within.

Personally, I've been doing it for over 13 years now, and I think it's the best job in the world - for me.

I suggest you contact your local police agency and arrange to go on a few ride-alongs. Talk to the officers on the force in your jurisdiction, then decide if you really want to be a cop, or if you just want a change from your current situation.

(Feel free to pm me if you want to talk more in depth.)
^^^ I couldn't agree more. I might also add the department of forestry, environmental protection agency, department of natural resources, BATF or something in the forensics division.