Who here uses sporran hangers?
Who likes them?
How are yours made?

Brief intro:
I am a recent (~1 year) comer to the klt scene.
I have a Utilikilt and a semi-traditional tartan in poly-viscose fabric.
I am saving my dollars for a nice wool kilt and am trying to direct any spare accessory money in the most effective way.

The standard chain sporran belts look good, but often twist funny when I twist, and they pinch my kilt when I sit sharply. When I walk, they feel like they are attached in a flimsy way.

I recently bought a set of sporran hangers to try.
The ones I got were made of very thick leather, much thicker even than my kilt belt.

They are stiff and they do not bend when I sit.
Instead, they tend to buckle around and the resulting stress causes the main snaps to pop open. Also, the thick straps tend to hang crooked.

In hopes of finding a flexible but simple sporran connector, I plan to go to a local belt-maker and have him/her make me a set of sporran hangers that will be:

1) Made of a soft flexible leather that is only about one third as thick as my current straps.
(Although the thin ones may wear out faster, I would prefer to replace them than to have them last forever, lying unused in the bottom of my drawer).

2) Sewn shut at the leather closure instead of being snapped .
The sewn-style will still be easy to put on by just sliding them onto the belt. When sewn shut though, they will never pop open during use.

For the set I already have, I will sew the leather closures shut by lacing them through holes in the snaps.

Please post any feedback about your experiences using sporran hangers.