The new (July 2009) issue of True West Magazine had an article on page 72 promoting a book titled My Name is Falon, One Woman's Saga from Scotland to the Texas Frontier by Kim Wiese. Published by Brown Books $24.99

The short article is titled The Story Behind Scots at the Alamo with a quote from the author, "I was fascinated with the role the Scots played in early Texas history...I used this connection to tell a different kind of story about the sacrafices and long-term consequences of the Battle of the Alamo."

While the Scots are not mentioned in her novel the article points out that four Scotsmen were at the Alamo; Richard W. Ballentine, John McGregor, Issac Robinson, and David L.Wilson - all in their 20s. The article notes that McGregor had his bagpipes with him and played while Davy Crockett fiddled....

And the article notes Jim Bowie was of Scottish descent.

There's not much of the storyline reported other than to say that the main character, Falon Mcvail is representative of the women who arrived in Texas in its early years.

Maybe someone will read the novel and let us know if its worth the $25. That True West thought enough of it to give it such a long write up says something....though the write up is about the book rather than a book review.

No, mention of kilts in the write up....but the novel....
