Quote Originally Posted by Kiltedfirepiper View Post
I use a tub of cold water and woolite for colors,
fill the tub so the kilt is submerged, ( woolite already added) gently move it around and lift it out for a few mins. then drain the water( which by now will be VERY dirty) then put more cold water in it repeat but lift it out more often then "swishing" it drain, repeat till theres no more soap in the water.

hang kilt with buckles.....buckled ( you will need a really heavy duty hanger for this part)

and let it drip dry. run your fingers down the pleats to "reset" the pleats and at the same time squegee(sp) some of the water out. depending on where you live, time of year it'll be anywhere from a few hours to a full day for it to dry.KFP
If you need your kilt to dry faster and it's a clear day, after washing, take your kilt outside, lay it on a clean sheet on the grass, fix the pleats, cover with another sheet to protect from the direct sun or not. I have done this several times before. This is also how I wash and dry quilts. Works every time.