I do not really hold much hope in finding who this was, but it's worth a try!

The scene: Edinburgh. 25th July 2009. The Gathering. The Clan March up The Royal Mile. My pal, Jim, and I were marching with the best of 'em right up at the front behind the Clan Alba banner. I was filming much of this event with my camcorder held high above my head as we strode along.

Having played back several times what was recorded, I thought I heard on the soundtrack my name, followed by Jim's, being called out from among the huge crowd lining the route. I have since played that section again, several times, each time increasing the volume - and, yes, a male voice can faintly be heard shouting, "Hey Hamish. Hey Jim." Neither of us heard it at the time and so I am intrigued as to who it might have been. I have replayed the recording almost frame by frame (if such now exists with digital HD 'filming') to scour the faces in the crowd in the hope of seeing a familiar one, but with no luck.

The location was just above St. Giles Cathedral, but on the opposite side of the street.

Could it have been an X Marker? I doubt it as most were taking part in the March I imagine. Was it you?

Similarly, the next day (the Sunday) at about 6.30pm, Jim and I were returning to The Royal Mile for a meal and, whilst waiting to cross a very busy North Bank Street, above The Mound, someone called out "Hi Hamish" from a passing car! I could not see who it might have been and I did not notice the make of car - we were so intent on finding a suitable gap in the traffic to cross safely, to take in such detail! Again, could this have been you?

I'd really like to know who these people were and, in case it WAS you, I apologise for failing to acknowledge you at the time.

Take care,