Thanks for all of the recipes! The Pegu cocktail is one of my favs, next to my martini of course and I was pleased to see you included it. Here's the original recipe from the Pegu Club which differs a little from the one you posted. All of the orange liqueurs have a slightly different flavor and character and you really should try this one with the orange curaçao instead of triple sec. Also the combo of both Angostura and orange bitters adds a distinct flavor. You can order a bottle of orange bitters from Fee Bros. Enjoy!

2 ounce gin
1 ounce orange curaçao
1 teaspoon lime juice
1 dash Angostura Bitters
1 dash orange bitters

I find gin to be such a matter of individual taste, it's hard to recommend one to somebody else. The various Tanquerays have never held much appeal to me, despite their widespread popularity. I keep meaning to try Plymouth and will have to do that one of these days. Sapphire remains my number one at this time. I admit that if I'm just going to use it with a mixer, almost any reasonable gin works. Blending with cocktails though, I find a huge difference.