Quote Originally Posted by Redshank View Post
There is an elderly gentleman living in the town where I work, he is actively involved in the church, provides guided tours of the town, a font of all historical knowledge both locally and nationally, served in the Argylls.
Now he wears his MacLean tartan often, ie, when is officiating at the church on a Sunday or at funerals/weddings/other church related functions, he wears his kilt, balmoral, hose hoisted up, never scrunched down, a crew neck sweater or shirt and tie tweed argyll style jacket, a proper sporran (his words, he doesn't like formal sporrans "you can't get your stuff in them") he carries his crommach everyday when he is offering his services as a towns tour guide or just walking the dog, he is oft stopped by tourists asking for photo's, he oblidges, but the next day you will see him wearing pants and tweed jacket, no real ryhmn nor reason to why and when, only in as much as it's how he feels on the day.

I expect like me, when he has worn the kilt all day, if he is going to just sit and relax in front of the TV in the evening, he will change out of his kilt into a comfortable pair of pants.
I think I know who you mean!