Quote Originally Posted by Cynthia View Post
. . . Anyone attempting a kilt check on my husband will get their hand grabbed and educated on manners. . . .
And check out those . . . clubs(?) she's wielding. She could probab put a big ol' knot on someone's head.

I'm like Tobus. There are times and situations and people who amke a joke of it, and it's OK. Best to always laugh at youself because Life is to important to take it very seriously. (You can think about that statement later.)

However, I don't want any guy pulling that, and, to address the original question, I have become a little surly myself on one or two occassions. and I am still big enough and young enough to lok pretty surly. I have found that my cromach is very handy in administering appropriate justice.

I, too, give everyone a free shot at me. The first may be attributed to ignorance or mirth or alcohol. The second is considered an act of war. Young lasses do get a special handling, but being an old, beat-up, fat man, I'm pretty sure they aren't interested in me romantically,so I wave them off and send them to fetch their mothers.

That usually cools their jest!