Historically, tipping a hat was practiced mostly by cowboys. Removing one's hat dates back to the days of chivalry when knights would raise their helmet shields as a sign of respect. But, no matter, gentlemen. According to the John B. Stetson Hat Company, founded in 1868, there are very specific rules that dictate when to tip your hat and when to remove it:

Tip Your Hat...
If a woman thanks you.
After receiving directions from a stranger.
If you excuse yourself to a woman.
When walking with a friend and he greets a woman you don't know.

Remove Your Hat...
During the playing of the national anthem.
On entering a building (one exception: you may keep it on in an elevator).
During an introduction.
When attending a funeral.
When initiating a conversation.

There may be some exceptions to these rules/guidelines (piping at a funeral) but please remember that they are only meant to aid, they are not the be all and end all.