Well, the kilt is heavy and does stay down pretty much...the kilt pin helps keep the front apron down and the sporran also does it's part in keeping things straightened our...

...but a truly stiff wind can and has lifted the occasional kilt.

One of the other possible interruptions to your dignity can be the smart *** who lifts the kilt just to be funny...it happens.

If it's a worry you shouldn't let it ruin your day; play it safe and just wear some black boxers or whatever...after you've got more of a feel for how the kilt hangs and how to do the "sweep" and sit properly you can make a more informed decision on how to proceed in the future.

And I'll lend you my latest stock answer to "the question" should it be asked:

"Isn't that a rather silly and immature question for a grown man/woman to ask?"

G'luck...remember: we're counting on you! The pressure's on! Don't let the side down!
