Quote Originally Posted by Teufel Hunden View Post
This actually REALLY annoys me. Some people insist on gaining a particular accent when pronouncing a single word in sentence, then revert back to their normal accent, and it sounds ridiculous to me. Speak with your usual tongue and call it good. As well traveled as I am, I've never hear anyone but an American do this. I've never heard a Scot try and speak with an American accent to pronounce anything, nor a French person, nor an Arab... etc. I speak with a mid-western American accent, so all of my words are going to sound like that, unless I'm speaking a different language altogether.
I do have to say I'm guilty of that but in my defense it is not intentional. Sometimes the words I pickup are from someone with an accent and I learned it from mimicry. My wife beats me across the head to get me to stop and I try to make an effort but habit.
