I wish to keep this post focused on the PC jacket and conversions of tailcoats to a PC jacket:

I have seen pictures of black, navy, white, tartan, burgandy, and green PC jackets. I understand Saxon tradition for black tie and white tie. I am curious, given the variety of colors for the PC jacket, if there are firm social conventions for what colors are proper for a PC jacket in the context of attending black tie and white tie events.

Specifically, I have found a sand colored tailcoat that is beautiful. I am hesitant to purchase it even though the price is great because I wonder if it would be suitable for formal events after being converted to a PC [I would never wear this tailcoat to any white tie event as it is, this color, as a tailcoat just would not work].

My formal kilt [not yet made] will be in Lochoran's ancient Dunbar tartan, with much softer shades than the modern tartan. I was initialy thinking of a bespoke PC in a very dark brown, but now wonder if that or the sand tailcoat conversion both would be straining convention just too much. I also briefly considered a bias cut PC in the same tartan but decided that is just too much tartan for my taste [perhaps a bias cut waistcoat in the same tartan].

My apologies in advance if this topic has been beaten to death elsewhere. If it has please link me to the threads. [search feature is having some dificulty on this computer for some reason]
