1-Marry your best friend because you can't imagine life without her.
2-Support her in the things that make her happy because if you love her, her happiness is all you really want.
3-Most arguments come about from very small things. In the end, it doesn't really matter does it? Refer to number 2.
4-Tell her what's really important to you. If you've done a good job at number 2, you'll get that fishing trip you wanted without any ill feelings.
5-Never let her have to guess how much you love her.
6-Do all the crappy jobs without complaint and without being asked--because you're a man. It's what we do.
7-Set the Thanksgiving table with that amazingly girlie china she loves. Remember, she lets you continue to wear that 'favorite' shirt despite how terrible it looks.
8-No matter how busy and filled with committments your life is--have a "date night" every week and stick to it.
9-Hold her hand in public. Open the car door for her.
10-Make her laugh several times each day.

Most importantly--never take her or your marriage for granted. Remember, she could have done a lot better!