I know that this has been talked about in a round about way before, but I'm interested in a different perspective.

This stems from a bit of a debate that I had with the wife last night after seeing a young boy (about 6) wearing his father's USMC uniform shirt with ribbons and badges.

As an example, my step grandfather, who I was very close with, was a Campbell. I obviously am not. Now I know that I CAN wear Campbell to honor him and there's nothing anyone can do about it, but I'm more interested in thoughts from, say, any Campbells on their feelings about this. Assume you didn't know me from Adam and you met me wearing Campbell and I told you this. Would you take any slight offense at it?

Not looking for permissions here, but more the other way around from personal views. I have certain, though sometimes flexible, boundaries when it comes to military uniform wear. Not having a clan, I'm curious to know how clan members feel about these things? Where do you all draw lines when it comes to seeing someone in your family dress? Even though you may not say it directly to someone, do certain things personally rub your fur the wrong way when you see it, even though it may be "allowed"?