I guess that to simplify, let's to back to SteveB and Jock. I have no affiliation with MacNeils or Jock. How would you guys personally feel if I were wearing your tartans? Would it raise your hackles a little? Would you not care in the least?
I would not be offended if you wore my family tartan. In fact I would be appreciative if you found it to be to your liking and feel honored that you did so. I appreciate history but tartans and clans are not that old as far as history goes. I think you can wear any tartan you like other than the tartans that are limited and registered to that Family or clan. There are not that many that are restricted.
If you want to wear a kilt, I would ask you to wear it proudly and not desecrate in anyway.
Go for it and enjoy a garment that just feels right on a man.
We have so many commercial business that sell, Americans, mostly, there clan, history,tartan, and coat of arms. The coat of arms are registered to only one person and most of these store sold documents are not legitimate. That being said. It dose no harm if someone wishes to be associated with Scotland. I am sure if you traced your family tree far enough back, you may find a few drops of the liquid that runs through the peat bogs of the North Countries.
Do wear what you will and wear it proudly. I for one will shake the hand of a man who lives his life as he wants to.
Lang may your lum reek and a wee mouse never leaves your cupboard with a tear in its eye.