My uncle, Cyril Tuvey has just found out that his parent's marriage in 1916 was invalid as it was bigamous. Uncle Cyril is in his eighties and has been seeking for his father's origins for some time.

His father was already married, but was listed as missing - presumably after being wounded and then gassed in the Great War. He was in York and met my grandmother, a widow with two children. Her first husband had died early in the war and they married in 1916.

This of course means that all but one of my aunts and uncles are illigitimate.

One of the children from the first marriage died in infancy, as did one of the boys from the second family.

The reserch has revealed that we have relatives in New Zealand, but at least one of my aunts is not talking to Uncle Cyril for uncovering the dark secret.

This genealogy business doesn't half put the cat amongst the pigeons, but it can be fun if not taken too seriously.

Anne the Pleater :ootd: