The Craftsman versus the Industrial Complex
Originally Posted by
More stock tartans in PV material.
16 oz (QUALITY) PV cloth from MM, not just their 11 - 12 oz stuff.
A stronger market for traditional wool material (kilts and cloth alone) so that mills would remain self sufficient.
After re-reading this post... it sounds more like my Christmas list.
No offense (wishful thinking I'm sure) but isn't there a contradiction there? People want more PV, or buy/wear MUGs in preference to traditional wool kilts...and then wonder why the woolen mills are going tips up?
We see this all the time with shoes. People cry for quality shoes but buy "affordable" (read under $200.00) and then can't figure out why they fall apart.
Might as well be wishing for the moon.
DWFII--Traditionalist and Auld Crabbit
In the Highlands of Central Oregon