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Thread: Viking disease

  1. #11
    Join Date
    22nd June 11
    Walcott, IA 52773
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    Well, I'll be darned! My grandfather had that. He got surgery for his, because even up to his mid-eighties he was an active machinist/tinker. I spent a week that summer being his "left-hand." I had to help hold his work while he was welding and assist him with the table saw. It was great bonding time. His family, I thought, were all from Schlesweig-Holstein. But that's so close to Denmark that perhaps there were some Vikings in our family. Thanks for sharing this.

    Jared the Brus

  2. #12
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    My father-in-law was first -generation American, his parents emigrated from Sweden. He had this condition. Had the release surgery done, it helped a little, but he eventually had his left pinky amputated at the second knuckle because the flexion interfered with his golf swing. My oldest daughter has it, the signs are there even though she is only 17.
    "My beloved America, thank you for your children. If your children want to become soldiers I will train them. When they are hungry I will feed them. When they are thirsty I will give them water. When they fight for freedom I will lead them. When they are unsteady on the battlefield I will motivate them. If they die on the battlefield I will bury them. So help me God."

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBrus View Post
    His family, I thought, were all from Schlesweig-Holstein. But that's so close to Denmark that perhaps there were some Vikings in our family.
    The Vikings plied their 'trade' up many of the rivers of Europe as well.

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