I agree I wasn't there. I understand the individual attendant is at fault, but all customer facing employees are the face of the company they work for. I think I said something to that effect.
The extent of that music will be down to the company as they are ultimately responsible, assuming he hasn't actually committed an offence he is individually responsible for. Like you say, I wasn't there....I think the attendant overstepped the mark. If this is found to be true, it is HE who should face the music...
I may too have egged the pudding by suggesting it was a "company policy" to harangue passengers who don't meet certain standards but then something motivated their employee (and representative) to act in such a bizarre manner which was the point I was trying to get across.
I'm sure they are all jolly nice people and I'm glad you find their service top notch. Always good to see it from another angle. (no sarcasm intended)
Believe it or not, I too enjoy establishments with dress codes with the same provisos as yourself.
I also am not keen on the current styling that assumes I and all others want to see the wearer's Calvins but I do know people who get a bit jumpy when I wear my Kilt so it would be a little hypocritical of me to demand they don't dress as they choose.
And a person's upbringing and resultant attitude to respectable dress can't, in my opinion be held against them. They've either been taught respectability or they haven't. They either know or they don't so I endeavour not to judge people by the clothes they wear based on my own preferences. I have also found to my delight that some of the weirdest looking people are by far and away the most interesting.
Anywhoo. On the grounds I wasn't there and therefore can't hold an opinion on the issue. I'm out of this one. Probably shouldn't have kicked off in the first place but I just can't abide rudeness, especially when I'm being asked to pay for it. It proper gets my dander up!
I'll post some pictures next week... It keeps me quiet that.(There is a touch of sarcasm in that last, sorry!)