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  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Knotty, No such thing as a daft question mate so I'm not trying to be clever, but if you click the view button next to the tartans on the Scotweb link you put up, it states that both the red and the Burgundy are dance colours at the top of the next screen.

    As already stated these dance tartans only come in light weights. If you click on through the burgundy link to explore the fabric as a potential kilt purchase you'll see it is only available in two variants, 11oz From DC Dalgliesh and 10.5oz from Glamis.

    Both of these fabrics are a bit light for a man's Kilt (though not impossible) but are ideal for highland dancers who do jump up and down a bit and therefore appreciate the billowing effect.

    In terms of weight and how it behaves I have a couple of 13oz Kilts which can get a bit uppity in a stiff breeze and I also have a couple of 16oz Kilts that can withstand a proper tree bender and not budge. The choice is yours obviously but if you are UK based, I'd go for a wool Kilt in a heavier weight. 'Specially if you're in mixed company on a windy day...

    You'll hear tell that PV material, despite being described everywhere as 16oz is actually nearer 11oz but having a couple of PV kilts myself, I suspect the stain resist coating they put on the fabric acts as some sort of stiffener and so gives it a heavier feel. It definitely isn't 16oz despite what some online retailers and ebay traders say.

    Happy hunting by the way. The fun starts here.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    I have never seen a man's kilt in the "MacLean Dress" tartan, as this does seem to be worn only by highland dancers
    1) dancers wear kilts that wrap left over right (I believe that technically makes them a man's kilts)
    2) dancers can be both male and female
    3) dancers wear dress and non-dress tartans

    Just as a matter of point, while most dance tartans are not 'sanctioned' by the clan of which they are named, as I understand it, neither are most hunting, weathered, ancient or muted versions.

    And, while I'm at it, dancers appreciate light-weight tartans because of their light weight, not the 'billowing effect'. We're not ballroom dancers.

  3. #13
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    Point taken. I was hoping to illustrate the difference between a 16oz Kilt and a 10.5oz Kilt in a humourous way. I am clearly talking of things I know nothing about so my sincerest apologies if I caused offence Dixiecat. That was not my intent.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Bloke View Post
    Point taken. I was hoping to illustrate the difference between a 16oz Kilt and a 10.5oz Kilt in a humourous way. I am clearly talking of things I know nothing about so my sincerest apologies if I caused offence Dixiecat. That was not my intent.
    No offence taken. Really.

    Funny fact, highland dancers don't jump up and down. We hop, spring, assemble and disassemble, but we don't jump. Not sure why the text book doesn't use jump, but there it is.

  5. #15
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    See? No idea what I'm talking about! Phew there's a relief, I thought I'd upset you with my hobnailed humour.

  6. #16
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    Why is this thread in the Miscellaneous and not the Tartan thread?

    Mods, can we get it moved?

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    My band, House of Edgar Shotts and Dykehead, wears Maclean of Duart.

    Loads of pics here -



  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil Clark View Post
    My band, House of Edgar Shotts and Dykehead, wears Maclean of Duart.

    Loads of pics here -


    Sanx for the link Neil. Is there a reason why uor wearin the MacLean Tartan?


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