20th September 11, 01:07 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by werewolves
I guess those of us that have no issues are just keeping quiet. My wife loves me in a kilt, and encourages me to wear them.
Though I have just started wearing kilts, my wife loves my wearing them also. Just yesterday, as we were making a quick run to the post office, my wife asked me, "Where's the kilt?" I had to remind her I only have two. But, I am working on that.
20th September 11, 01:43 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
My wife likes it OK, but she is the jeolous type and cant stand the attention I get from the ladies when I wear it.
20th September 11, 03:34 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
Wow, this thread is attracting a considerable amount of attention....
20th September 11, 05:16 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
I am very gortunate in that my wife loves me in a kilt. She is sometimes a bit amused when I wear it to a non-Scottish/Highland event, but is always supportive. I love my wife!
Mark Stephenson
Region 5 Commissioner (OH, MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, IA, KY), Clan MacTavish USA
Cincinnati, OH
[I]Be alert - the world needs more lerts[/I]
20th September 11, 05:18 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by ForresterModern
Yes my Wife (her screen name here, just to keep track of my kilted relations) does not like me wearing the kilt at any time. She tolerates my interest in wearing it for specifically Scottish events like the games and such, but even then has no enthusiasm for attending with me. She rolls her eyes when I decide to wear a kilt to work with a "why do you need to wear a kilt to work?', even on weekends when nobody else is around. She recoils when I say I want to attend significant events in our mutual life kilted, such as a winter black tie ball, horse racing events, work related social gatherings, and has even on a couple of occassions refused to attend the event if I insist on going kilted. Sometimes I accede and go in p@nts, other times I hold my ground and we don't go, but mostly lately I just dress as I please and try to not outshine her dress but compliment it with what I am wearing. She jibes me about how much money I have spent on kilt related items, the space it takes up (even though she built me a dedicated cedar lined kilt closet in one of our guest rooms), hates anything with natural fur that I bring into the house (fox, badger, skunk sporrans, etc) due to allergies. Even though we have purchased kilts built for our 3 year old son she never wants to dress him in them, unless it is for a specific highland event. She also says that every time she sees me in a kilt it turns her off sexually, not just for the moment but for days afterward. She hates the attention and looks it garners when out in public, and has even expressed embarrassment to be with me when kilted in a non-Highland situation---Walmart, grocery store, etc.... Lastly she thinks I only do it for the attention I recieve, like I am some kind of peacock strutting with my plume of feathers out for all to see. She worries that if I go out socially kilted without her I will be "accosted" by throngs of kilt loving pretty young things who will only desire to kilt check me repeatedly, and that I am going to enjoy the attention. Pffaffff. There are probably more similar issues I could think of with time, but it is not a pleasant existence when your significant other chooses not to either embrace your newfound love of the kilt or at least tolerate it without fighting against it at every turn. I have tried to involve her in the process, even getting her a silk tartan wrap custom mde in the colors of the Dutch Friendship Tartan (she is first generation American of full-blooded Dutch parents), then getting DFT kilts made for myself and my son to compliment her wrap after I traced our family roots through Scotland and further back to Flanders, an old part of what is now Holland, where our paternal family name actually originated. Still no change in attitude.
Good luck with your situation, and I hope it changes for the better, if even only a little. I will trudge onward thusly.
I hate to break it to you, but Flanders is part of Belgium
20th September 11, 05:42 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by privypiper2002
My wife was a highland dancer back in the day. The only issue she had was when I was going out to pipe a gig one night and as I was walking out in my highland finery she reached under my kilt and took hold of my... "complete attention" and stated, "Scotland is free, you are not! Put on some underpants." That was about the extent of my kilt wearing troubles.
Michele agrees. But people asking about it are probably the main issue she has with kilt wearing - "The Question". But I am a fortunate man, that she loves how I look.
Geoff Withnell
"My comrades, they did never yield, for courage knows no bounds."
No longer subject to reveille US Marine.
20th September 11, 05:55 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
My ex-wife really disliked it, generally made disparaging remarks if I was about to wear it to anything but a Scottish event.
My girlfriend really likes me in a kilt, though lately she has been making a point of asking for a little "p@nts time" now and then. I'm fine with that.
"It's all the same to me, war or peace,
I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."
20th September 11, 06:35 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by O'Callaghan
I hate to break it to you, but Flanders is part of Belgium
And I hate to break it to you, but the boundaries of the geographical area called Flanders have changed throughout history and either encompass or have encompassed parts of modern-day Belgium, France, and the Netherlands (Holland).
But neither of our comments are at all relevant to the discussion, so I apologize for the side-track.
20th September 11, 09:16 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by TheBrus
I'll be married to my wife ten years on the 29th--Michaelmas. I've been wearing my kilt almost half my life now, and I wore it the night I met her, wore it on a few dates, wore it at our wedding... but somehow kiltwearing went on her list of things she figured she wouldn't have to put up with once we were married. But I persist.
AND persist you must! This is precisely my plan, once my first kilt arrives of course...
21st September 11, 12:13 AM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
I don't currently have an SO, and haven't since I started kilting, so I can't really say it's ever been an issue.
FM (and Wife), I've worn my kilt quite often around Louisville (in particular when piping for the last several annual St Patrick's Day parades - the Saturday before the Day) and have yet to be accosted by anyone - male or female - even then. The most I've gotten is a smile and 'Nice kilt!'. No one (to my knowledge or recollection) has ever tried to kilt-check me in the 9 years I've been kilting.
Granted, I'm seldom kilting alone (usually at least one other band member around), and I rarely venture out in my personal kilt. Say, didn't you mention in my happy thread that we in Louisville are overdue for a kilt night?
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