30th September 11, 04:12 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by MeghanWalker
.....I might say "Im not a fan of this" but with or without a wedding ring, both people are still individuals. Isnt that why you vow to spend eternity with someone? Becuase you love who they are? If a man is so proud to be Scot/Irish that he owns even ONE kilt, that should have come up in the dating process and became one of the things that makes that man who he is......
You make an excellent point here. In our case though, I didn't have any kilts when we got married.The motorcycles were part of the package, but the kilts didn't come until later..........:mrgreen:
Have Fun,
30th September 11, 04:14 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by Nighthawk
If I weren't already married to a woman with that same attitude, I'd ask you to marry me! 
Always nice to hear of someone having a good family and marriage or relationship, Hawk.
I tried to ask my inner curmudgeon before posting, but he sprayed me with the garden hose…
Yes, I have squirrels in my brain…
30th September 11, 05:17 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by Nighthawk
If I weren't already married to a woman with that same attitude, I'd ask you to marry me! 
 Originally Posted by Java
You make an excellent point here. In our case though, I didn't have any kilts when we got married.The motorcycles were part of the package, but the kilts didn't come until later..........:mrgreen:
Have Fun,
kilts and motorcycles seem to run in similar circles so im sure she knew what she was in for
30th September 11, 05:42 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by Java
My wife doesn't like my kilt wearing either. It's not the kilt she doesn't like, if she met you in the street wearing yours, It wouldn't bother her at all. It's me in a kilt that bothers her. We've been married for 27 years, and for right or wrong, everything one of us does reflects on the other one. She wouldn't wear anything so "unusual" so it embarasses her when I do. There. I defended her point of view, because I love her. Now let's talk about how much it sucks...............
Have Fun,
I have run into this same attitude. It is the "not on my man" syndrome. They like my kilt and always make good comments about it but they don't want "their" man to wear one.
30th September 11, 06:03 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by Mike in Dayton
I have run into this same attitude. It is the "not on my man" syndrome. They like my kilt and always make good comments about it but they don't want "their" man to wear one.
Which is either related to, or symptomatic of, the related illness: "not in my backyard" syndrome.
3rd October 11, 06:41 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
The last two posts deserve applause for on-target, appropos brevity.
"Nice, attractive, but not on my man (also read, "wretched victim").
3rd October 11, 07:05 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by James Hood
The last two posts deserve applause for on-target, appropos brevity.
"Nice, attractive, but not on my man (also read, "wretched victim").
Or perhaps more to the point, "Not on MY man who by wearing it may attract OTHER women".
"It's all the same to me, war or peace,
I'm killed in the war or hung during peace."
3rd October 11, 07:55 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
I'm lucky my wife loves me in a kilt. She liked the looks of them last year at a ren fest and bought my first one right then and there after I told her that I liked the look of them too. We went back to the lady who sold her that first kilt this past weekend and thanked her for her help last year. The lady was thrilled that we were haveing a good time with kilting.
Sorry for you guys whose wife/SO is not thrilled with your kilt wearing. My ex would not have allowed me I am sure but her narrowsighted outlook on life is just one of many reasons she is an EX!
3rd October 11, 08:42 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
 Originally Posted by Mickey
I'm actually fortunate to have a wife who demands that I be kilted whenever possible. It was she who persuaded me into wearing the kilt in the first place.
Even though it was my wife's idea that I get a kilt, she still doesn't want me to wear one in public unless I am going to an event where there are other guys in kilts.
3rd October 11, 09:05 PM
Re: Anyone's spouse/significant other vehemently opposed to you kilting?
I have never felt like I fit in anywhere. So, I learned embraced that part of me and was proud of it.
When I discovered my brilliant, wonderful, loving, perfect for me - but a bit curmudgeonly and somewhat traditional husband, expressed an interest in kilts...I jumped all over it and make sure he knows how much I adore seeing him well kilted.
I haven't seen any women overtly hit on him while in one, but knowing him I'd likely be more amused than jealous. (He handles this kind of thing well and always has.)
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