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  1. #41
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Rather late t' be getting started as a parent...we were your age as well. Wee ones do give parents a huge amount of "opportunity to do parental things."

    Prayers for a fine, healthy bairn.

  2. #42
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    "Obtain a copy of Fatherhood by Bill Cosby. Read it. Read it annually."

    ***, my wife bought that book for me for Father's Day while pregnant with our first!

    Mine are 19 and 21 and it's about time to reread it AGAIN before I kill them! I'm TOLD they move out eventually!!!

    But hey, the first 10 years or so, while challenging, were alot of fun!

    Prayers and good wishes for a healthy and happy child!

  3. #43
    Mike_Oettle's Avatar
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Congratulations, dad-to-be!
    Fatherhood is a long adventure, and you are just starting out.
    Walk warily around your wife’s moods. A soft answer turneth away wrath (most of the time, anyway!).
    Pyjama parade will tax you, but you will look back on it and wonder why it lasted such a short while.
    Teenagers are much more trouble than toddlers.
    And you may have a battle to get your offspring out of the house when education has run its course.
    My son took six years to earn a four-year qualification (two degrees), but he got there at last, and almost immediately left home.
    My daughter worked hard and earned her two degrees (the second one a step higher than her brother’s second) in the time alotted.
    Both are now married, but there is no sign of the patter of little feet yet. We will have to be patient.
    The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life.
    [Proverbs 14:27]

  4. #44
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    Congratulations! Prayer sent.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Re: An unexpected surprise!

    [QUOTE=flyingshamrock;1027493]Great! She's going to be crazy for EVER!?!


    You'll get used to it. That's why God invented sports, to tune us out when we get snapish.

    I'm kidding, of course.
    Babies are awesome, even when they're being black holes of need.

    Then they get older and you can mess with them.
    For instance, GGGPjr wanted to play Cinderella. "Great!" I said, "Go clean my bathtub"

    and there will be moments of pure comedy, like this:

    All kidding aside, you'll be a wonderful father. The fact that you are concerned about it shows great care, thoughtfulness and maturity. Wonderful characteristics for a role model.
    Congrats, Dad!
    Last edited by GoodGirlGonePlaid; 20th October 11 at 09:55 AM.

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