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  1. #11
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Now, shall we pursue the more money than sense angle?
    Err... No

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well indeed you do raise an interesting point and not being a scout I had not considered them! Hummmm.
    In Scotland some Scout Groups favour a particular tartan other than MacLaren but that's always a local choice. There is also an official Scout Tartan but very few actually use it (it's based on MacLaren). The interesting bit about this is that anyone awarded the Wood Badge is literally adopted into the MacLaren clan. They become an associate member and are encouraged to wear the MacLaren tartan and take part in clan events. As an associate member I also get invited to the AGM and have a vote. That's why I worry a bit about the protocol. Probably not a serious problem but interesting (and an excuse for dressing up)

    The bottom line is that the MacKay have very few events, the MacLarens have quite a few, and I'm a member of both. Makes for an interesting problem of etiquette
    Last edited by davidg; 31st October 11 at 02:07 PM. Reason: text error in saving

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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    I think you have already made up your mind. Enjoy your new Maclaren kilt and have a great evening.
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  3. #13
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    When your argument centered on the fact that one might where a military tartan or a pipe band tartan, you had me convinced. But then you mentioned there was an "official Scout tartan" which is NOT the same as the MacLaren tartan. I should think that since you are an associate member of Clan MacLaren, it would be understood that you may have full membership elsewhere (Clan MacKay). If you are going with the "I am not only a MacKay but also affiliated with this unit/band/scouting tradition, why are you not considering the official Scout tartan? (Just thought I'd ask...and have fun whatever you decide!)
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  4. #14
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post
    I've now gotten myself into a little protocol situation. First the bacckground is that I am a member of Clan MacKay and would usually wear the MacKay tartan. As a Scout Wood Badge holder I am also an associate member of Clan MacLaren and I have been invited to the Clan MacLaren St Andrew's dinner in 3 weeks time. I do not have a MacLaren tartan kilt!

    I said to my daughter that I need another kilt. She said I don't need any more kilts. ...

    I actually know what I'm probably going to do but your thoughts, as always, will be most welcome
    As a (former) American scouter, (who never got around to attending Wood Badge), I must ask, is there a scouting or Wood Badge necktie that you can wear? To my senses, if I were in your position, I would wear my family related tartan, a jacket (with waistcoat if available) appropriate to the event, and my vintage, scouter's 'business dress' necktie. I would think that a necktie which connects to your scouting experiences would not be out of place in a MacLaren crowd.
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by davidg View Post

    The bottom line is that the MacKay have very few events, the MacLarens have quite a few, and I'm a member of both. Makes for an interesting problem of etiquette

    Well not really. Don't forget you have been a MacKay for longer than you have been a scout. As I understand it, scouts are big on families and loyalty, so I do humbly suggest, unless there is some monstrous family upset lurking, that your family name take precedence in this case.
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Unless the Scout Association Regulations have changed since I was awarded my Wood Badge, they are quite simple - you wear your own tartan. In fact there was a tartan designed for those scouts without a clan tartan of their own.

    As far as I know, the MacLaren involvement in the UK, is limited to the patch of tartan on the back of necker.



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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    Well not really. Don't forget you have been a MacKay for longer than you have been a scout. As I understand it, scouts are big on families and loyalty, so I do humbly suggest, unless there is some monstrous family upset lurking, that your family name take precedence in this case.
    I agree with my friend here - Who you are will normally take precedence over what you are with a very few exceptions. The clergy tartan is one example of such an exception. Clergy were traditionally expected to wear that tartan rather than their own, at least when they're acting as clergy, if not always. I think for example that I'm more likely to wear my clergy with my clerical collar than my personal tartan, unless for example I was acting as a clergyman in a family circumstance. With my family tartan, I'm more likely to wear a tie.

    And yes, I've discovered that I do have a family tartan, and the kilt is on order.
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chas View Post
    As far as I know, the MacLaren involvement in the UK, is limited to the patch of tartan on the back of necker.
    I used to think the same but it's actually a world-wide thing. The UK Scout Association isn't too forthcoming with that information though

  9. #19
    davidg is offline Oops, it seems this member needs to update their email address
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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Really a McQueen View Post
    I would think that a necktie which connects to your scouting experiences would not be out of place in a MacLaren crowd.

    As far as I am aware there is no such necktie. It'll be a black tie affair anyway

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    Re: Which tartan to wear?

    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    MacLean is a more complex and beautiful design, but very bold wit the red field.
    Not sure the MacLaren could be described as having a red field. Two thin red stripes don't quite make it

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