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Thread: basic brogues

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: basic brogues

    Quote Originally Posted by Jock Scot View Post
    I am just wondering, if the soles of the "brogues" that you are thinking of getting are a bit too rustic? Why I ask is this, do you really need 4WD type soles for the needs you have in mind? If you do, then fine, but I do wonder if a slimmer sole with a finer tread might be more versitile and therefore more suitable? Just a thought?
    I find myself trending more towards Jock's thoughts on this lately. I used to like the look of a chunky sole with thick boot treads. But over time, I started to see it as out-of-proportion with a kilt.

    Of course, if you're going to be wearing these in snow, ice, and other environments where such a sole is called for, then obviously you should make the practical decision.

    But if it were me, looking for a standard pair of brown brogues that would work for everything from the pub to dinner at my mother's house, I'd probably stick with something that's just a tad dressier. Being brown, they'll look casual anyway, but going with a more dressy style of shoe can help them fit in for occasions where you'll want to look nice without going "dressy" per se.

    That said, I have a pair of fairly inexpensive Rockport Almartin shoes which I find to be very comfortable, and suitable for everything from office attire to casual events like Highland Games. Would I wear them through mud or snow? Well, no. But snow is not a concern where I live anyway! Anyway, I think they are a great pair of knock-about shoes, though I wouldn't necessarily want to get them too wet or dirty.

    The proportion is right with a kilt, in my opinion. (I'm wearing short spats over them in one picture below, but you get the idea.)

    Last edited by Tobus; 3rd November 11 at 06:19 AM.

  2. #12
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    Re: basic brogues

    I just ordered a pair off Stacy Adams Madison brown boots from shoebuy dot com for just under $90US shipped (including return shipping if they don't fit or I don't like them)--regularly $105 but they have a $15 coupon code "warmup" right now:


    If I like them when they get here, and the sale is still on I will probably order some black ones as well. They also have several widths available. Will post pics when they arrive.

    I also have both black and brown brogues stanard style (non-ghillies) as well as kilt-tassel slip on loafers in brown and black, all by Nunn-Bush, and they work great for dressier situations. The boots are for the upcoing winter.

  3. #13
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    Re: basic brogues

    That's the thing about Loake, and arguably most well-made shoes, they are indeed expensive, however, if properly taken care of, and as with most things, they'll last you a lifetime.

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