Caber pick workout today... OK, it's not really a caber pick workout. I have a 15 foot, 110 pound stick that I put together for the Ardenwood Games last year. The A class Boyz ate it for lunch. So I found myself a nice 20 inch long piece of really dense eucalyptus that was about the right diameter. Then I got 3, half-inch steel bolts/rods and some PL100 adhesive. I drilled three holes in the end of the caber and pounded the rods in with LOTS of PL100... then cut off the ends so I had three big steel pins sticking out of the end of the caber. This was last week.
Today I drilled three corresponding holes in the hunk of eucalyptus and stuffed them full of PL100. Then I sledgehammered the piece on to the caber....but it wouldn't go, all the way. I got it in about halfway with the 12 pound maul.
So I took it out to the street and picked it up about 30 times, little end up, big end down, and dropped it straight down onto the asphalt to slam the pieces together. It worked, but DAMN that was a lot of work. I busted me a serious sweat....core and abs exhausted. For all intents and purposes, I picked a 16' 7" - 135 pound caber about 30 times today. ...kicked my lily-white old-man beee-hind.
Nice work, Alan!! I am starting 2012 SORE.....but its a good sore...
I finished the year just trying to set some PRs in the weight room, and got my regularly scheduled workouts started up again on Saturday. Did Bench Press, Push Press & lots of triceps work on Saturday. Monday was deadlift day. Here's Monday's workout:
BW: 220.8 <-- Nice gains!
Warm-up Bike Ride
5x10m @ 50%
10x10m @ 100%
LB Squats
Deadlifts (60s rest between sets)
Pendlay Rows
Weighted Chins
Good Mornings
TRX Fallouts
12 from the knees (too easy)
4 sets of 6 from the feet
I'm feeling really good about my planned workouts over the next few months!
Nice work, Alan!! I am starting 2012 SORE.....but its a good sore...
I finished the year just trying to set some PRs in the weight room, and got my regularly scheduled workouts started up again on Saturday. Did Bench Press, Push Press & lots of triceps work on Saturday. Monday was deadlift day. Here's Monday's workout:
BW: 220.8 <-- Nice gains!
TRX Fallouts
12 from the knees (too easy)
4 sets of 6 from the feet
I'm feeling really good about my planned workouts over the next few months!
Hey, you packed on a few over the holidays! This is going to help with the 56'er for sure. Hey, I will be at Queen Mary this year. I *think* I will be there Saturday, so I'll either be pulling tape for the lasses or throwing with you guys in the C's....for your last HG in the C class!. If I pull tape for GGGP and her mates, then I'll throw with the geezers on Sunday. It all depends on my carpool ride/driver.
Ahh, gotcha. There's a trx machine in our gym, I see people doing these.
Today I went in and did my thing. I was sitting on a pylo box, exhausted from doing my piddly ab wheel thing, and this girl comes in and hops up and grabs the upper bar of the TRX frame. She then proceeds to knock out a dozen window wipers, perfect form. While my jaw in in my lap, she drops, daintily wipes a bit of persperation from her feminine brow, and proceeds to do another dozen.
Holy frijoles. So I clapped when she was done and she thanked me.
Day One of the Certified Sean Betz
Self-Improvement Program OMG, am I ever hammered from yesterdays caber party.
Stretch Cage...I am super-tight.
Light hang cleans for warmup .... while I can't max out with even the lightest weight that Sean uses for HIS warmup, I still made the appropriate hang-clean-like movements, except that I can't get my elbows to stick out in front of me to save my life.... 3 x 5 x 115 / 3 x 135
Zercher Squats-because I backsquatted big just a few days ago .... 2 x 4 x 135 / 2 x 3 x 185 hurtin', really feeling yesterdays caber thing right about now / 3 x 225 / 1 x 255 / 1 x 265 / 1 x 275 NICE, Alan!
bosu lunges .... I hold weights in my hands straight down, lunge onto a bosu, hold for a 5-count, then push off hard.... 2 x 5 x 80 pounds total, lunge onto each leg. Hands/grip gives out before anything else.
Core 1 : ab wheel...this guy was doing them with the 20 lb curl bar. I never thought about doing them that way, so I tried. Works great. Did 2 x 7 and I was SO done.
strict overhead press .... 6 x 135 / 5 x 135 / 6 x 115 / 4 x 115
pullups....sad, sad... 3, 2, then 2 more with 85 lb assist
ugly bench rows ... 2 x 8 x 90 lb dumbells, each side
You've got to get "set" to press. Heels down on the floor. Back of the neck flat on the bench. Tighten legs, hips, chest to provide a solid foundation. Nothing flapping in the breeze. Big/huge intake of air, PRESS!
'As a trainer my objective is not make you a version of me. My objective is to make you better than me.' - Paul Sharp
You've got to get "set" to press. Heels down on the floor. Back of the neck flat on the bench. Tighten legs, hips, chest to provide a solid foundation. Nothing flapping in the breeze. Big/huge intake of air, PRESS!
Also works for public speaking! Well, minus the neck on the bench part.