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  1. #11
    Paul Henry is offline Membership Revoked for repeated rule violations.
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    Quote Originally Posted by California Highlander View Post
    I, too, am interested in purple-based tartans. Spirit of Scotland is probably my pick, with Scotland Forever, Pride of Scotland, Scottish Heritage, Clans of Caledonia, Heart of Scotland, Passion of Scotland, all close behind. Auld Lang Syne seems clunky to me. Haven't checked out Great Scot yet....

    As folks have mentioned, the mill, sett size, and the weight change the look. Can't wait to see what you end up with!
    slightly off topic, but if you are thinking of purple tartans, don't forget the Isle of Skye as well, it can be pleated to many different ways especially to accentuate the purple

  2. #12
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    "Pleating to the block" is a variation of "pleating to the stripe".

    Military kilts have always been pleated to the stripe, and in the 19th century it was also the most common form of pleating for civilian kilts.

    Nowadays civilian Pipe Bands are around 50/50 pleated to the sett/pleated to the stripe (or block). Most non-piping civilian kilts are pleated to the sett nowadays.

    In pleating to the stripe, a bold or dominant stripe is chosen for replication across the rear of the kilt. In pleating to the block, an open vacant portion of the sett is chosen for replication across the rear of the kilt.

    Here is Isle of Skye pleated two ways:

    To the pairs of fine rust/brown lines in the purple band (that's how my IOS is pleated). Though pleated to the lines, thus technically pleated to the stripe, oftentimes if a subtle line is chosen the overall effect of the rear of the kilt is of a kilt pleated to the block.

    To the sett

    Some other purplish tartans...

    Spirit of Bannockburn, with a large area of lovely blue and some purple stripes

    Scotland the Brave

    Last edited by OC Richard; 22nd February 12 at 09:21 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  3. #13
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    I am beginning to really like the pleat to the stripe over pleat to the sett! I will first find out what "pleat pattern" will give me the most purple. My first kilt will be a traditional fit tartan dress model from Freedom Kilts.

    I am lucky because I will actually be able to view a 16oz SOS kilt sewn by Cathy Mac worn by her husband, Red, @ the Pensacola,Florida Ren' Faire being held the first weekend in March only 55miles from my home!! Just happens it's the same weekend I was planning to come home after 2 months on the road!
    Last edited by shannon; 21st February 12 at 07:11 PM.

  4. #14
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    Also take a look at USA kilts Warrior PV tartan...purple [dark] on purple [light] with white stripe. That might maximize your puplishness

  5. #15
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    I was looking @ the Warrior tartan that Steve emailed me as an option but I really dislike the white stripe.... but now seeing pleating variations of the same tartan curious if the white strips can be "hidden"? I appreciate your suggestion.

  6. #16
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    Most certainly the vertical white stipe can be burried...horizontal...not so much.

  7. #17
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    Here are more purplish tartans!


    Western Isles

    Heather Isle

    The question arises, are you looking for the nicest purple tartan, or rather for the best tartan which contains purple?

    It's precisely this that led me away from Spirit of Scotland and towards Isle of Skye. I love Isle of Skye because it's a lovely tartan full of complex colour interactions (including purple, and three different greens). After weeks of looking at Spirit of Scotland, I decided that from a distance it looks more or less like a solid purple kilt.
    Last edited by OC Richard; 22nd February 12 at 09:27 PM.
    Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte

  8. #18
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    I'm interested in "more shades of purple the better" (from lilac to deep purple)... and I've almost decided to have the tartan pleated to the stripe. Another member mentioned that because I dislike the white stripes; that the vertical white stripes could be hidden in this format. I really dislike blue because that's a primary mens clothing color option in the main stream but I do like an accented deep blue with purple.
    Appreciate everyone's suggestions in finding that perfect purple tartan!

  9. #19
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    I searched the 14 purplish tartans that were referred as suggestions. Of those tartans only 2 are available/ offered in PV: The SOS & The Warrior tartans!
    I like the Scotland Forever & there were others but the purples looked blue in the computer generated tartans (ie: if they were supposed to be purple?)
    I think my head would be spinning if I decide to go with wool. (I am almost positive in having a PV kilt)
    As I mention earlier my final decision on type of kilt & fabric will be made March 3rd.

  10. #20
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    Re: The Great Scot tartan vs. Spirit of Scotland tartan?

    I searched the 14 purplish tartans that were referred as suggestions. Of those tartans only 2 are available/ offered in PV: The SOS & The Warrior tartans!

    I like the Scotland Forever & there were others but the purples looked blue in the computer generated tartans (ie: if they were supposed to be purple?)
    I think my head would be spinning if I decide to go with wool. (I am almost positive in having a PV kilt)

    As I mention earlier my final decision on type of kilt & fabric will be made the weekend of March 3rd.

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