'Til the end of time - Perry Como Will the tide wash it away?
proud U.S. Navy vet Creag ab Sgairbh
And the tide rushes in -- Moody Blues Why do we never get an answer?
(The answer my friend is) Blowin in the wind ----- Peter Paul and Mary What is the answer to immortality?
"Greater understanding properly leads to an increasing sense of responsibility, and not to arrogance."
Forever in Bluejeans - Neil Diamond How fast can you run?
The Rev. William B. Henry, Jr. "With Your Shield or On It!"
Speed of Sound (Coldplay) What shoes does one wear for running?
Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley What happens when you wear a kilt while driving a motorcycle?
The Streak - Ray Stevens Favorite holiday destination?
Beale Street Blues ==== Lena Horne Favorite Singer.?
The Entertainer -- Billy Joel Rain or shine?
Originally Posted by Alan H Some days you're the bat, some days you're the watermelon.
Monsoon --- Luka Bloom How do I get out of this barrel?
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