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  1. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deirachel View Post
    My point, Meghan, is they don't represent Islam AT ALL. Not "some Muslims" as those posts state.
    Depends on how you think about it yes, it does represent some Muslims as those individuals are Muslim. Therefore, they are being represented. It doesnt, however, represent Islam.

    My only complaint with this tartan (which isnt really a complaint at all) is that I get the impression that this tartan is for Muslims who live in Scotland, not Muslims with Scottish heritage. I am a Muslim with Scottish heritage but I don't live in Scotland, which makes me wonder if this tartan was ever meant for someone like me. In my mind, I deserve a tartan like this on all sides of the coin as I have the heritage AND the religion to claim a tartan like this. Others might not believe I should get to wear this as I dont live in Scotland.

    At the end of the day, I hope this becomes a piece of my (very small) collection someday. The creator, from what I have heard, is a super cool guy (with a very cool accent).
    Last edited by Meggers; 8th August 12 at 09:02 AM.

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